Data Storytelling
During the second year, the aim will be to explore the potential of data-oriented storytelling in the context of environmental
narratives. Partners and students will take advantage of the large amount of data sources related to nature and
sustainability and use them to tell powerful and impactful stories. This part of the WP relies on adapted courses on
“Information Analytics and Visualisation” and “Conversational Interaction”.
This workshop is scheduled for March/ April 2024.
Four students and one or two teachers from each partner organization will meet in Greece to test and refine the previously-created workshop concept.
The creation of these resources has been (partially) funded by the ERASMUS+ grant program of the European Union under grant
no. 2022-1-DE01-KA220-HED-000088645.
Neither the European Commission nor the project’s national funding agency DAAD are responsible for the content or liable for any losses or damage resulting of the use of these resources.